the stone

Thinking of stones in a pond today….Gearing up to sit in the same place until another force interrupts this pattern. For the stone, this is to troll on and on until the last grain is eroded away.

My favorite stones are gray and smooth and stay cool; they trigger me to catch them off-guard by plunking them loudly into the water. Civilized they are, quietly enduring my needs for interaction. I give them credit for their tolerance of interpreted occidental further occurrences on another day.

I appeared more like a stone as an actor, but now, when I can share, you see the beauty inside.  Underestimated, it was always difficult to untangle my molecules. I was just one instance of stillness. Tightly stacked.


I am now really looking to tell you that the smallest stone may have been through many storms that have reduced his size in your eyes. A feature that has allowed him to survive is his ability to be sacked again and again, while maintaining his core strength. This may appear like a lack of ambition to others.

I eagerly arrived in this life to share something. To easily inspire others is my purpose, but the stone-locked system I was born with divides me into productive in my mind, but not my body.  Absorbing the shocks in life at every turn is easier than instead letting the molecules relax, and possibly ceasing to exist.

I ask of you…when you come upon a stone, respect the strength it takes to be there in the first place. Then, thank him for changing the entire experience of your day as you happily plunk him into the pond.

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